Wednesday, 14 March 2012

I Stand Here Ironing..

sekarang ni dah masuk mode final aku bukan la perajin yg duk makan buku,mandi buku and tdow pon ngan buku mcm kome2. aku lambat panas lam belajar which means bile semua org duk gubra study bagai nak rak, aku rilek lagi.chill..siap upate cool belog lagi. tapi bile dh tinggal few hours before exam and semua orang time tu relaks je,muke cm konfiden tahap dewa dewi boleh score..baru la aku tak duk diam. macam cacing kena bakar( goreng pon sodap). Aiseh.tersimpang..BACKSPACE2. aku sbnarnye nak share sikit ape yg aku dah study sket for subjek literature. one of the short stories that i've learned. I Stand Here Ironing tajuknye. iron jenis ape? ntah,PANASONIK gamak nye. 

Nothing much to talk about the story actually. it tells about a young mother who felt guilty towards her first child because of  a few things that she had done when she raised her up that were thought as mistakes which made both of them stand apart and didn't have the mother-daughter bond la. But  this story makes me reflects about my own life so far, my mistakes that i've done and not to forget my parents. the protagonist (orang melayu kita duk panggil heroin) in the story keeps reflecting about the mistakes that she done where she wished to undo them all. As for me, mistake is a MUST. Tak ada hapa yg kita nak menyesal sngat la sebab mistake tu yang  duk ajar kita jangan ulang salah yang same jah, dan yang duk ajar kita jadi dewasa( orang kedah kata, orang bsaq noh). contohnye..hang pa duk jalan2 ambik angin.sronok aih..sampai tak nmpak lubang besor kat depan. hang pa jatuh = hang pa wat silap. laen kali kalu hang pa jalan kat situ lagi, hang pa jatuh tak? memang tak,sebab hang dah taw kat situ ade lubang. hang dah blajar dari kesilapan, dah makin hati2 tak cuai dah. as simple as that. tak paham lagi? pi hentuk kepale kat dinding ler brader. so bagi aku, bile dah buat mistakes, there's no need to undo,re-do,backspace.delete guna liqiud paper ke hapa..look ahead and take that as part of learning lah..towards better.we have much more to think of rather than keep reflecting the past. reflecting untuk berubah in the future tak pe,reflecting nk menyesal..x payah la noh. buang karen sgt aih..

Secondly..when i read this story, a thought came across my mind on how mothers are similar. every mother is the same i believe. there will be moments where she giggle together with her children,having fun and i'm sure that there will be moments where she will think if she has done the best in raising in her children and if she has turned us into human. a mother wont take their thoughts on lips but will keep wondering. pergh. hang jangan nak ckp cmni, bile mase nye yg mak aku duk pikir lagu tu? tak pernah nampak aih..
ingat ape..seorang mak tak kan cakap camni depan korang.
.yo! wahai anak ku! apa sudah jadi padamu? salah kah aku dalam mendidik mu?

tak ade makneye..membebel tu mmg ade, tp yg aku maksudkan..kadang2 time hang makan dia akan tengok je hang.. hang ingat hapa? dy duk tengok saje2 sebab hang kiut? pikiaq la jauh sket. dalam pikiran dia time tu macam2 soalan ade. dy akan tanye pada diri dy sendiri macam mane mase depan kita, apa kita nak jadi kalu dy tak dak. please, look beyond into your mother eyes and you will even heard them questioning themselves. macam time aku dapat result SPM and UPSR. she didnt have to talk because i can read in my mother's eyes that she was sort of asking herself.."where did i go wrong until she didn't perform her best in school?" Its a usual habit for a mother. can't blame them anyway.they love us too much.

so! aku just..harap yang short story ni yang akan keluar dalam exam esok sebab ni je short story yang aku study setakat ni! mwahahahahahaha.
BACKSPACE2!! yg lagi penting yg aku nak cakap is..

dear ibu,whatever it is. thank you for raising me up.i have nothing more to complaint.*except that i want PSP for my birthday. TV baru pon boleh.owh, and you should start giving me pocket money  because i'm going to be penganggur terhormat for months. duh..cakap pe.. pi study!!! ORAIT2..ADIOSS

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